Brownie’s challenges

Brownie adopted by Mike Linn on 04/23/2020 April 23 Brownie came home with us. After she arranged her bed to suit her, she discovered that the males in family needed physical conditioning. She immediately scheduled twice daily walks and numerous…

Blessed Addition to our Family

Sabo (formerly known as Chief) adopted by Laura on 04/16/2020 This was our first time adopting from a shelter and I was very weary what shelter behavior we would have to adjust to. Sabo, who I was told was in the shelter since August of 2019,…

Burger is Home

Burger (formerly Suess) adopted by Melody on 02/18/2020 We fell in love with Burger as soon as we saw his picture. His grumpy face and too many tiny teeth were irresistible Burger is an old man, and he was going through heart worm treatment.…
Jim & Brownie

Expanding the Family

Mona adopted by Maddison on 04/10/2020 My husband and I have been married for almost a year, and we inherited a cat from my parents when we got married. We have enjoyed our time as a family of 3 until about January of this year. We started to…

Finding My Best Friend

Mini adopted by Ciara on 04/04/2020 I have wanted a cat for so long I couldn't even give you a timeline... I have went to countless adoption centers, shelters, and looked at rehoming groups online, but could never find a cat that was right for…